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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The scientific journal in Social Sciences does not charge any fee related to the submission, application, review, publication, layout, indexing, or assignment of a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 Attribution License

1. Preliminary Steps for Shipment Preparation

1.1. Types of manuscripts published in the Scientific Journal in Social Sciences of the University of the Pacific:

  • Editorial
  • Original Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Opinion Articles
  • Reflection Articles
  • Current articles

1.2. Authors are required to review and verify that their submission complies with all the guidelines listed below:

  • The paper to be submitted must not be previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal. Attach a letter of originality.
  • Must conform to the Submission Format indicated
  • The review file should not contain information about the authors, so as to comply with a blind review.
  • The Scientific Journal in Social Sciences is open access and non-profit, so authors will not receive financial sums for the publication of their articles.
  • The Authors' Data must be completed in full, according to the metadata template, including affiliation data and current email address of the corresponding author and indicating the main contact for sending communications.
  • The list of bibliographic references must be completed in the section indicated for this purpose.

Submissions that do not comply with the required format or structure will be returned to their respective authors. The editorial coordinator and/or the scientific committee reserve the right to make any editorial adjustments they deem appropriate.

2. Presentation Format

2.1. Text:

  • Interlinear spacing: 1.15
  • Font size: 12 points
  • Source: Times New Roman
  • Sangria: Frontline
  • Spacing: no space between paragraphs
  • Aligned: Justified
  • Using italics instead of underlining

2.2 Margins: 2.2 cm on each side of the sheet.

2.3. Blade Size: A4

2.4. Document Format: Microsoft Word Supported

2.5. Número de páginas: máximo 20 páginas incluyendo ilustraciones, gráficos, figuras, cuadros y tablas

2.6. Resoluciones de ilustraciones, gráficos, figuras, cuadros y tablas: 300 ppp en formato jpg, gif o tif

2.7. Ilustraciones, gráficos, figuras, cuadros y tablas estarán dentro del texto en el sitio que les correspondan, con su debidas citas y leyendas

2.8. Las tablas no deben tener líneas separando las celdas

2.9. Citations and bibliographic references should be presented at the end of the text following the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA). Articles published from volume 3, number 2 (2021); will be used for citations and bibliographic references APA 7th Edition. APA Standards Guidelines 7th Edition



  • Bibliographic citations with less than 40 words

When the quotation is less than 40 words, it is written immersed in the text and enclosed in quotation marks. A period is written after the end of the quotation and all the data.


Effective teams can be difficult to describe because "high performance in one domain does not translate into high performance in another" (Ervin et al., 2018, p. 470). 

  • Bibliographic citations with more than 40 words

Quotations containing more than 40 words should be written separately from text indented to 1.27. At the end of the quote, the dot is placed before moving on to a new line. Similarly, the organization of the data can vary depending on where you put the emphasis.

Example 1

Machiavelli (2011) in his work The Prince states the following:

Men, when they have a good from whom they thought they had an evil, are more obliged to their benefactor, the people quickly become more benevolent to him than if by his favors he had led them to the principality (p. 23).

Example 2

It is easier for the prince not to oppress the people and to rule for them, because:

Men, when they have a good from whom they thought they had an evil, are more obliged to their benefactor, the people quickly become more benevolent to him than if with his favors he had led them to the principality (Machiavelli, 2011, p. 23).

  • I paraphrase

Paraphrasing a quote means configuring the way in which the statement has been presented without altering its meaning, that is, reformulating another person's idea in our own words. Paraphrasing summarizes and synthesizes information from one or more sources, focusing on significant information and comparing relevant details.

Example 1

Campos (2016) considers these three concepts as necessary competencies for statistics education, and adds an additional competency that he calls critical competence for the formation of Critical Statistics Education.

Example 2

The clear definition of the competencies that must be acquired in a doctoral training process is of vital importance, given the demands of the 21st century on universities, where the emphasis is no longer placed on undergraduate training but on first-level research, which would be the identifying element of these institutions (Nebot, 2009).



Scientific Articles (Journal)

Last name(s), Initials of the author's first name. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Journal Title (italics), Volume (Issue), pp-pp. (page numbers).

Arrillaga, M. (1986). The current Puerto Rican tale. The Journal of the Center for Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, 3, 27-30.

  • Online Article: URL or DOI

Authors of the article (6 authors, maximum et al). Year of publication. Title of the article. Name of the Journal. Volume (number): start-end page. URL or DOI of the article.


Rimarachin, L. (2015). Evaluation of the quality of the service in relation to customer satisfaction in the travel agency consorcio turístico SIPÁN Tours SAC, Chiclayo. Revista Científica Horizonte Empresarial, 2(2).

  • Online Books: URL or DOI

Author(s). Year of publication. Title. Volume. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher. URL

Zeithaml, V., & Bitner, M. (2002). Service marketing. 2nd ed. Paraguay: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.

  • Newspaper

With Author

Last name(s), Initials of the author's first name. (Year, day, month). Title. Name of the newspaper, p.

Izurrieta, R. (2021, June 14). I don't think they have the courage to acknowledge that their system failed. La Nación, p. 2.

No Author

Name of the article. (Year, day, month). Newspaper name, pp-pp.

They confirm that Paraguay will open a commercial office in Jerusalem. (2021, June 14). La Nación, p. 3.

  • Online

Last name, A. A. (year, month, day). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper. https.

Bareiro, L. (2021, June 13). Attempted murder. Last minute.

  • Presentations at congresses, conferences, symposia

Author, A., and Author, B. (year, day, month). Title of the paper. Title of the symposium or congress, Place. Doi or URL.

Ayala, F. (2019, August). Mentoring: a strengthening experience in the teaching-learning process. II International Congress on Innovation in Education in Health Sciences. University of the Pacific.

  • Thesis

Author, A. & Author, B. (Year). Thesis title. [Bachelor's/Master's/Doctoral Thesis]. Name of the institution.

Acosta, T. (2009). Degree of knowledge of the risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome in university students. [Thesis]. University of the Pacific.

  • Websites

Author(s). Year of publication. Page title. Place of publication: Publishing house. URL

Contact News (July 18, 2021). Full! It renews its image and launches new promotions.

3. Article Structure

  • Title: clear and concise, without acronyms, with no more than 12 words, accompanied by the English translation. In the case of a research report, the data of the project itself must be mentioned: project number, year and source of funding.
  • Author(s): the full name and surname of each author, active email address, and the unique identifier of the authors' ORCID.
  • Institutional affiliation: full name of the center, department and/or institution to which the authors belong, city and country.

Date of submission of the article
Abstract of a maximum of 200 words in two languages: Spanish/English. Keywords (6) in two languages: Spanish/English. The UNESCO Thesaurus is used to select these keywords. Available in:  ,,, 

  • Article development: for original articles, the IMRD (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion) structure will be used. And the other types of articles will have an Introduction, Development (Topicality, Opinion, Reflection, Review) and Conclusion.
  • Declaration of the existence or not of a conflict of interest
  • Approval of the final version by the authors
  • Mention of each author's contribution

4. Evaluations

All articles received will be reviewed in the first instance by the editorial coordinator, in order to verify their thematic relevance, their originality and compliance with the publication rules established by it. In case of positive qualification, the bibliographic review will be carried out according to the APA Standards and detection of similarity of text through Unicheck software before sending them to the reviewers. If a manuscript has more than 20% text similarity based on the result of the check, it is returned to the author.

Once the formal aspects have been verified, the article that enters the review process will be sent for evaluation by a Scientific Committee, composed of national and international academic peers, safeguarding the authors' data in order to guarantee blind review (double-blind). The blind peers will issue a report based on the following possible opinions:

  • Accepted: Article suitable for publication, with no modifications required, or with minimal modifications
  • Accepted subject to suggested modifications: The indicated corrections must be made and the work submitted for further revision.
  • Rejected: The article does not conform to the subject matter, policy and/or norms of the journal, or substantial adjustments must be made to the writing. The article may not be resubmitted for a period of six months.

Papers that require modifications must be corrected and returned by the authors within the deadline indicated by the editorial coordinator, indicating the changes incorporated. The editorial coordinator will be responsible for the final decision.

In the event of conflicting positions among the reviewers of the article, the opinion of a third arbitrator will be appealed.

5. Periodicity

The Scientific Journal in Social Sciences will be published continuously from 2024.

6. Deadline for receipt of articles

Papers are received from January to December.