Degree of adoption of e-commerce in sanatoriums and hospitals in Asunción - Paraguay: Analysis of websites through the eMICA model

Degree of adoption of e-commerce in sanatoriums and hospitals in Asunción - Paraguay: Analysis of websites through the eMICA model




Electronic commerce, adoption, internet, health services, hospital, Paraguay


The objective is to determine the degree of adoption of e-commerce in sanatoriums and hospitals in Asunción - Paraguay through an analysis of their websites based on the eMICA model. The study had a quantitative, transactional and descriptive approach. A population of 29 health centers (15 sanatoriums and 14 hospitals) in Asunción was registered on google map in August 2019, and a sample of 22 institutions (11 sanatoriums and 11 hospitals) was used for having met the minimum requirement (having a website). A list of 24 attributes classified in 3 stages and 6 levels proposed by Burgess, Parrish and Alcock was used. Results: compliance of 67.6% in phase 1 promotion, 49% in phase 2 provision and 5% in phase 3 processing. The most frequently displayed attributes are the name and physical address of the establishment (96%), telephone contact (91%), photographs, maps and routes (87%) and information about the sanatorium or hospital (83%). The existence of a low percentage of compliance in the use of e-commerce in the investigated subjects is concluded and it is stated that the operational/administrative/logistic activities would be much more efficient if e-commerce were used for the matter.


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How to Cite

López Cañisá, K. M., Hug de Belmont Brugada, E. S., García Zorrilla, M. D., Ruttia Escauriza, R. A., & Sanabria Ramírez, D. B. (2022). Degree of adoption of e-commerce in sanatoriums and hospitals in Asunción - Paraguay: Analysis of websites through the eMICA model: Degree of adoption of e-commerce in sanatoriums and hospitals in Asunción - Paraguay: Analysis of websites through the eMICA model. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 4(1), 45–53.